School Board
The School Board embodies the principle of collaboration between parents and staff, and the community partnership in decision-making processes. Its members include three parents (one being the Chairperson), two teachers, a community representative and the Principal. Staggered two-year terms ensure continuity in the Board’s work. Board elections are held once a year to fill vacant positions and election times are advertised in the Curtin Courier (school newsletter).
The Curtin Board encourages communication between the school and its community in determining the school’s budget, curriculum and education policies as well as its many needs in relation to buildings, facilities, equipment, funds and staff. Elected community members of the School Board can be contacted about school matters.
School Photographs
Individual and class photographs are taken each year. Sibling photos and a Year 6 group photo are also taken. Notes will be sent home with students prior to School Photo Day.
Outside school hours the school buildings are under the protection of a security system. However any suspicious behaviour on school property should be reported to police immediately.
Student Management
Students at Curtin Primary have the right to enjoy learning and social interaction in safe surroundings, free from intimidation, bullying and all forms of harassment. In the classroom individuals do not have the right to create a situation where others are unsafe or learning is disrupted. We operate within a restorative framework where relationships are valued.
Outcomes of the school’s management policy include students taking responsibility for their actions and decisions. In achieving these outcomes we place a high emphasis on positive behaviour. Proactive measures and opportunities will be implemented to assist students develop strategies which help them deal with conflict, keep safe and respond to bullies and all forms of harassment in critical moments.
Teachers take time to establish positive, caring and secure classroom climates. Our consistent expectation is for good manners, cooperation, learning, respect, trying hard, demonstrating 6Cs. We recognise this positive behaviour with successful learning, class awards, teacher prizes, school awards and special privileges, recognition by the Executive and phone calls to family.
Teachers use a three level response to inappropriate behaviour, scaffolding classroom events to assist the student to recover their behaviour and return to class.
Teachers will:
- work with students to develop agreed rules
- display these rules prominently in the classroom
- use positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviour and quality work
- be a role model for courtesy and respect
- plan work appropriate to the student’s academic abilities so they can experience success and challenge
- take active steps to foster positive relationships with their students’ families
- follow the school’s student management procedures
- inform their team leader/deputy/principal about any concerns they have with a student’s behaviour
- use a variety of structures to enhance social learning and student welfare.
Students will:
- participate in the process of establishing class rules and understanding of the 6Cs
- commit to following class, school and playground rules within the 6Cs
- treat all people and property at our school with respect
- follow instructions from staff members
Student Support Network
There is an expectation at Curtin Primary that every student has the opportunity to learn and achieve positive outcomes. Underpinning this expectation is support that is provided to classroom teachers to identify and address the learning needs of all students.
The school provides a range of services including:
- A Learning Support Unit (LSU) which engages 12 students in total to an individual literacy and numeracy program and in peer class learning.
- Students in classes with additional support provided under the auspices of the Inclusion Support Program (ISP). This support is allocated based on the Student-Centred Appraisal of Needs.
- Access to a psychologist, five days a fortnight.
- Learning Support Assistants who are allocated to classrooms based on the needs of the student and school.
- A weekly meeting of the Student Support Team which encourages teachers to refer students who they identify as having additional needs.
- Teachers meet with parents to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to meet the needs of students through the development and regular review of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).
Sunsmart Policy
All students and staff are required to wear broad brimmed or legionnaire caps in the playground. Students without hats must play in the shade during terms one, two and four. In June and July students are allowed to wear warm head gear such as beanies, and do not have to wear broad brimmed hats to promote optimum vitamin D levels. The Uniform shop has Sunsmart hats available for sale.