
Homework Policy

At Curtin Primary School, homework is an optional program. Our homework policy has been designed in consultation with the community and reflects the diverse values placed on homework and varying demands on family time.

All students are encouraged to engage with homework and all students receive homework tasks. Parents are able to choose whether their child will be accountable for completing homework. Accountability is managed in a positive way, through strategies such as feedback, displaying work, stickers and incentives. Sometimes, teachers will communicate to parents about incomplete homework. The decision about participation in homework should be made based on optimising your child’s progress. It is important to acknowledge that homework is a very important part of the learning program in high school. Feedback from our previous students has indicated some students felt unprepared to manage the demand of homework in year 7 due to the flexibility of homework in primary school.

Homework tasks are designed to be valuable for learning and marked to give students feedback on their work and achievement. Students who are not formally participating in homework are encouraged to complete activities of interest or to boost their skills. Homework tasks do not contribute to semester grades, although home practice which is a positive experience will impact on overall progress.

Every student in the school is encouraged to complete home reading as it is considered an important part of the learning process. Students who do not participate in home reading are significantly disadvantaged in their skill development. We recommend all families find time each day for reading, including sharing literature by reading to children, hearing home reading and encouraging reading for pleasure.

Further information can be found in the documents below.

Curriculum and Programming Policy

Staff at Curtin Primary School plan and assess against the Australian Curriculum. We have a shared expectation of quality work and timely assessment. Teachers plan and assess collaboratively, differentiating as appropriate to individual student needs.

Sunsmart Policy

The policy aims to provide ongoing education and promote personal responsibility for skin cancer prevention and early detection. At Curtin Primary School we promote positive attitudes towards skin protection.

Behaviour Management Classroom Procedures

Engaging, differentiated teaching and learning is the main strategy used at Curtin Primary School to influence student behaviour. This chart (below) guides responses to positive and inappropriate behaviour and is used by all staff. Approaches to student behaviour are individualised and restorative.

Student Welfare Policy

Education at Curtin Primary aims to develop all aspects of each child. To do this, consideration of a child's needs includes their physical, emotional and academic development. Staff at Curtin Primary School believe in collaboration to best support the needs of individuals. Classroom teachers are leaders in identifying and monitoring the needs of individuals and collaborating with others to ensure optimal learning. Should teachers have a concern about a student they can make a referral to the Student Support team for further action. The Student Support team meets weekly to discuss referrals. Please contact your classroom teacher if you feel there is an issue that needs to be addressed by the Student Support team.

The school also operates in line with a number of Directorate policies. These policies may be accessed by clicking on the following link: Education Directorate's A to Z Policy Index